About Us

Our Vision

Sudbrook Magnet Middle School will be the standard of excellence in providing a highly effective teaching and student-centered learning environment, as our rigorous, relevant and data-driven instruction will prepare students to compete in a global society.

Our Mission

Sudbrook Magnet Middle School will create an academic environment where all stakeholders promote and embrace diversity and high expectations while developing 21st-century skills that encourage the use of critical thinking, collaboration, communication, and creativity in academic excellence to meet the challenges of the 21st century’s global society.

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Sudbrook Magnet Virtual Learning
Schedule and Information

School Progress Summary
2024 - 2025



Sudbrook Bus Transportation
2024 - 2025

Current Bus Stop List
Guide to Transportation

Sudbrook Cell Phone Policy
2024 -2025
no cell phones

Cell Phone/Personal Electronic Device
(Revised and Effective August 2024)


Our goal is to create a safe environment, conducive to learning, and free of all distractions

that would hinder the learning process to produce the best learning atmosphere possible. With your support of our cell phone/personal electronic devices guidelines and expectations, together we can protect the integrity of the learning environment for our children and school community.


Cell phones and other personal electronic devices are a technological convenience and have become an integral part of our way of life. However, in the school environment, cell phones have become a major distraction. They ring during class, students are sending and receiving text messages, surfing social media websites (TikTok, Instagram, etc.), taking selfies, and more. Cellphones have become an overall interruption to the learning environment and at times a method of illegal exchange of information that draws attention away from the valuable time needed for instruction and students’ focus on learning. We do recognize that cell phones can be a safety/security tool; however, they can also be a detriment in the event of a building emergency and our protocol to manage such emergencies safely and effectively. Parents are urged to utilize the school phone line to relay any messages that may be urgent to their child. We will then do our best to relay all urgent messages/information to your child. Listed below are the guidelines, expectations, and consequences pertaining to all cell phone/personal electronic device usage at Sudbrook Magnet Middle School.

SMMS’ Cell Phone/Personal Electronic Device: Guidelines, Expectations, and Consequences


Students are permitted to use personal electronic devices on school grounds only during the following times:

  • before and after school hours (8:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m.) outside or inside the school building
  • by an administrator’s permission for emergencies
  • during after-school or sports activity, only with the permission of the coach or after-school sponsor/coordinator
  • at evening or weekend activities inside the school building


1. Personal electronic devices must be turned off completely and not visible during the school day (including lunchtime)

2. Students are not allowed to use their personal electronic devices to call a parent or guardian if they are ill/sick. When students are feeling ill, phone calls must be managed by the nurse or designee.

3. Personal electronic devices should not be charged during school.

4. Personal electronic devices may not be used to cause any disruption in the educational process or for unethical or illegal purposes. Prohibited uses include, but are not limited to, cheating on assignments and/or tests, harassing or bullying others, and taking or distributing unauthorized photographs or recordings of other students, teachers, classrooms, or buses without the expressed written permission of the person(s) being photographed or videoed. This is a violation of a person's privacy and will not be tolerated on campus. Any violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action.

5. Personal electronic devices may not be used to access any obscene, threatening, or otherwise inappropriate material via any form of electronic communication. Live streaming or social media (Tik Tok, Instagram, etc.) posting during the school day is not permitted and automatically violates the electronic device policy.

6. Personal electronic devices may not be used to circumvent Baltimore County Public School network security or for any unauthorized access to or inappropriate use of the BCPS computer network.

7. Students may not use their personal electronic devices (including but not limited to cell phones, smart watches, personal computers, iPad, etc.) in classrooms for any reason including checking the time. Any space used for the delivery of instruction is considered a classroom i.e., gym, library, auditorium (outside of lunchtime), etc. In addition, personal electronic devices may not be used in the halls/restrooms/common areas during a student's class time. A student found using their personal electronic device when they’re assigned to a classroom but are in the hallway or a restroom will be considered in violation of this policy and their personal electronic device will be confiscated.

8. Students observed using a personal electronic device for conversation in any location on campus at any time between 8:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. (3:10 p.m. for Car Riders) are in violation of the electronic device policy. If a student has an emergency in which texting or a conversation on their personal electronic device is needed, the student must request permission from their grade level assistant principal to use their device to call their parent/guardian. The conversation shall occur in the privacy of the assistant principal’s office or designated area. Parents/guardians are asked not to call or text students during the school day. If there is a family emergency, parents should call/notify the Front Office, so the student may be brought to the office to make a call.

9. In addition, air pods, earbuds, headphones, or any listening apparatus will be held to the same standards and consequences listed above.

Scope of Authority

Administrators, counselors, teachers, and/or staff members are authorized to confiscate cell phones and/or electronic devices during class time, during a testing situation, and/or any time the student violates the Cell Phone/Electronic Device policy.


The Teacher, Grade Level Assistant Principal, or Student Safety Assistant will enter the personal electronic device incident into the student's discipline record for future reference and contact the parent/guardian to inform them that the student’s electronic device has been confiscated (when applicable) due to the student's misuse of their device and the violation of the school electronic device policy. Any disruption of the learning environment as a result of a student’s noncompliance with the school’s Cell Phone/Personal Electronic Device Guidelines, Expectations, and Consequences will result in a disciplinary action that may include the following disciplinary action(s):

  1. If a student is caught on their cell phone during class, they will be asked to stow it away using the assigned cell phone holder behind the teacher’s desk, or if they are out of class, they will be asked to put it away/out of sight.
  2. If the child refuses to comply after being redirected to stow the cell phone, the phone may be confiscated by staff, then the parent will be informed that they’ll need to pick the cell phone up at the end of the day, or when available.
  3. If during class the student refuses to relinquish their cell phone to staff, then the student will be given a designated pass to the office and be provisionally removed from the classroom. A phone call will be made to the parent by the teacher/Student Saf who gave the directive within 24 hours, and the student will earn a detention.
  4. If the following steps (1 – 3) have not resulted in the desired outcome, then the following measures will be taken: (1) a referral to the student’s grade-level assistant principal, (2) an Administrative Detention assignment, (3) a Saturday Restorative/Detention School assignment (4) Required Parent Conference with school administration (5) In-School Suspension, (6) Temporary Suspension from school.


Sudbrook Magnet Middle School employees will make every effort to ensure the security of electronic devices that are confiscated in accordance with campus rules and/or District policy. However, the school/district accepts no responsibility for a device that is stolen, lost, or damaged after the item is confiscated in accordance with the campus rules and/or District policy. Classes and/or instruction will not be stopped to deal with or search for lost personal electronic devices.

*Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, as further provided in Policy 5550. The Board is not responsible for the theft, damage, loss, unauthorized use, destruction, or data fees of any PECD brought to school by a student. Additional information on the use of PECDs can be found in Board of Education Policy 5552, Use of Personal Electronic Communication Devices by Students.


Click Appointment Request or scan QR Code below:


Click Transfer/Withdraw or Scan QR Code below:




Creating a Parent Account in Focus

Directions for parents to create a Focus account are located here: HOW TO: Creating a Parent Account in FOCUS. Parents must use the same email address to create this account that they provided to the school or else they will be denied access. Parent access to Schoology is via the Focus Parent Portal. Please use these Parent Portal Instructions.



Students needing tech support should see
Ms. Brumagin during the following time.

Fridays during Advisory.


Sudbrook Artists selected for the Superintendent's Gallery

Emma F. (left) and Cailyn S. (right) were 2 pieces selected to be featured in the Superintendent's Gallery - this juried show features only 25 pieces  that were selected amongst all of BCPS! Congratulations to our artists. Great job!



Sudbrook Magnet is a Maryland Green School 

John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts National School of Distinction in Arts Education.