Medication Policy
Baltimore County Public Schools encourages medications to be taken at home whenever possible. For example, antibiotics ordered three times a day may be given before school, after school and at bedtime. However, if your physician decides it is necessary for your child to receive medication during the school day, a doctor’s order with specific instructions must be provided to the school nurse. The school nurse is required by law to give only medications ordered by a doctor. You may print the form and have your doctor fax it or you may bring it to the school. This includes over-the-counter medications. All medications, including over-the-counter medications, must be administered by the school nurse.
All medications must be in a labeled container with the name of the medication and the name of the student. You may request the pharmacy to give you a second bottle for school. At no time during the day should students have medication in their possession or in their lockers. Students not following this policy are subject to administrative action as outlined in the Baltimore County Student Behavior Handbook. In certain cases, students may be allowed to carry their own inhalers or epi-pens. Any controlled medications, including most ADHD medications, must be delivered to the school nurse by a parent/guardian.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please contact the school nurse at (443) 809-1214.
Medication Form