Please notify Ms. Stewart, the school counseling office secretary, if any change in address, telephone number, and/or emergency contacts should occur during the school year. Documentation (proof of residency) must be submitted in order to complete an address change in our computer system.
If you change your address at any time, Baltimore County Public Schools require that you contact the school within ten (10) days of your address change.
Residency Documentation Attached (total of 5 documents – legible copies accepted):
Parent/Guardian photo ID – if using a Maryland Driver’s license or Maryland Identification Card, the address must reflect the address of record or be accompanied by a Change of Address Card issued by the MVA. A valid passport may also be used.
One of the following:
-Signed Deed
-Signed Settlement Sheet
-Signed Title
-Mortgage Coupon Book (cover & coupon)
-Property Tax Bill
-Receipt for Residential Dwelling Unit
-Mortgage Statement dated within 60 days
-A signed lease or rental agreement from a real estate management company or commercial lessor (if renewal letter issued yearly, a copy of the most recent renewal letter required along with signed lease)
-A signed lease or rental agreement from a private party owner
(Documents establishing ownership by private party must also be submitted.)
Three documents dated within 60 days (from 3 sources) which may include the following:
-Income Tax Returns
-Utility Bill
-Cable Bill
-Employer Statement
-Voter’s Registration Card
-Mailing from Government agency
-Vehicle Registration
-Credit Card Account Statement
-Driver’s License (2nd parent/guardian)
-Bank Account Statement
-Maryland ID Card (2nd parent/guardian)
-Paycheck Stub with Name/Address
-Court Documents
The following documentation is required: (1) one of the following documents to prove residency in Baltimore County. If you are not sure if you reside within Baltimore County, check the BCPS Boundaries web page.
- Deed
- Signed Settlement Sheet
- Title
- Mortgage Coupon Book
- Mortgage statement dated within 60 days
- Real Estate Tax Bill
- Receipt for Residential Dwelling Unit
- A signed lease or rental agreement from a real estate management company or commercial lessor
- A signed lease or rental agreement from a private party owner
Documents establishing ownership by private party must also be submitted. This would include one of the following:
- Owner's current property tax bill
- Owner's signed Deed
- Owner's signed settlement sheet
The parent(s)/guardian(s) must also provide a photo identification and (3) three current documents (if it is a mailing, it must be dated within 60 days of your address change) to prove their address. These may include the following:
Income Tax Returns
- Utility Bill
- W-2
- Cable Bill
- Employer Statement
- Voter’s Registration Card
- Mailing from Government agency
- Vehicle Registration
- Charge Account Statement
- Driver’s License
- Bank Account Statement
- Maryland Identification Card
- Paycheck Stub with Name/Address
- Court Documents
**If you are living in the residence of another person, which is described as Shared Domicile, meaning that the parent(s)/guardian(s) and child are domiciled in Baltimore County with another person, contact Karen Edmunds, Pupil Personnel Worker, at [email protected]