STEM Program Overview – Sudbrook Magnet Middle School
The STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) program is a 3-year program for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Students in the program follow the same curricular topics in the same order as their general Science course. Through participation in the STEM Magnet program, students gain data analysis, research, and lab skills. Lab work begins with an emphasis on observation skills and builds analytical skills through thoughtful investigations. Students work on projects individually and collaboratively in small groups while applying literacy strategies and mathematical problem-solving skills. Projects are designed around STEM career options and require utilization of critical thinking, research, and communication skills.
matter, atoms, molecules, and extended structures
phases of matter
synthetic materials
interactions between substances
properties and changes of matter
Speed, velocity, and acceleration
units of measure
Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion
forces and collisions
Space Science
gravity and motion of celestial objects
composition of the universe
scale of objects in the universe
cyclical patterns of lunar phases, eclipses, and seasons
technology and space exploration
Earth Science
plate tectonics and convection currents
earthquakes, volcanoes, and changes to Earth’s surface over time
weathering, erosion, and the rock cycle
Life Science: Ecology
organization within ecosystems
living and nonliving factors in ecosystems
food chains, food webs, and interactions among organisms
energy flow and nutrient cycles
photosynthesis and cellular respiration
Physical Science: Energy
types of energy
convection, conduction, and radiation
Life Science: Form and Function
characteristics of life
cell theory; unicellular vs. multicellular organisms
microscopes; plant, animal, and specialized cells
photosynthesis and cellular respiration
body systems and organs
Chemistry: Matter and Its Changes
chemical reactions
physical and chemical properties of substances
conservation of matter
endothermic and exothermic reactions
Physics: Forces and Waves
contact and non-contact forces
electricity and magnetism
Earth Science
natural hazards, climate, weather
Life Science; Earth and Environmental Science
fossils, geologic time, extinction, anatomical structures
genetics, natural and artificial selection, related technology
natural resources, patterns of human use and consumption of resources, pollution